James Lang’s Promises & Responsibilities Syllabus Model
- Excellent Model to Follow – the same as in our book.
- Learner-centered, clean and to the point – from Hunter
- Excellent discussion of what our syllabi say about us as instructors, what we value and why we are there and how students respond. A bit lengthy, but goes into some detail about a horrible syllabus and a very good one.
- Just as the title says, 11 ways to make your syllabus worlds better – they’re simple, they’re fast, they’re easy, they will make your life so much better!!
Creative Approaches to the Syllabus
- Interesting syllabi, great if you want inspiration for including a visual element.
- Step by step guide on how to build a syllabus. Starts with what an EFFECTIVE syllabus is and all the key components we need to include. Text heavy, but very thorough & gives good weight to how important this document is.
On Designing a Course (as a grad student)
- Personal blog post about the rollercoaster of designing a course from scratch.
- Very interesting discussion of if it is possible to plagiarism a syllabus with connections to the feminization of teaching and copyright law. Not helpful in preparing your own syllabi but an interesting debate nonetheless especially as we use each other’s work and are in a generation of “remixing.”
- Taking principles of web design and applying them to syllabus design. Not the place to START, but eventually we should all be considering this.