Time Management
You will NEED time management skills like you never knew possible to finish your degree, teach, do research, work a couple odd jobs here and there and maintain healthy relationships with the world and people around you. Here you will find articles and advice about how to do that.
- Outstanding book on time management and the importance of a writing group
Time Blocking Rather Than To-Do Lists
- Videos on everything – from note taking to studying to reading to pvercoming procrastination
12 Tips for Surviving and Thriving in grad school
OK – this is a direct response to the Stephen Covey book – the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – take that for what it is, but whatever it is, a lot of people subscribe to it. The response is written by a PhD student about sensibly managing your life.
Time Management is located on another page.
General Chronicle advice for staying healthy (this might be the most important part!)